Foundra The Rift War Foundra Series Volume 1 Emmanuel M Arriaga Books

Foundra The Rift War Foundra Series Volume 1 Emmanuel M Arriaga Books
A first novel by Author Emmanuel Arriaga creates a new universe worthy of Star Wars, CS Lewis, or JRR Tolkien. The detail of his imagination in creating the universe, its history, and its inhabitants creates an engaging backdrop for a cast of engaging characters that draw the reader into the plot. The metaphysical threads, with beings of incredible power from alternate dimensions adds an almost spiritual flavor to the story.I am looking forward to the next installment of Foundra. Definitely worth a read if you enjoy sci-fi.

Tags : Foundra: The Rift War (Foundra Series) (Volume 1) (9781514618325): Emmanuel M Arriaga: Books,Emmanuel M Arriaga,Foundra: The Rift War (Foundra Series) (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,151461832X,FICTION Science Fiction Space Opera,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - Space Opera,Fiction Science Fiction Action & Adventure
Foundra The Rift War Foundra Series Volume 1 Emmanuel M Arriaga Books Reviews
This is the Twilight of science fiction.
There was no real flow, there were jumps in thought making it difficult to follow what was being said or presented by the narration and characters. The characters themselves felt pretty flat.
Likewise, there were descriptions of characters and adjectives where they made no sense and failed to contribute to the overall effect.
Really well written. Good story line and character and universe development. I don't read a lot of sci-fi but I am glad that I picked up this book. This book is part of a series; it will be interesting to see how the characters and themes develop over the course of the story. Well done and well worth the read.
Solid read. Enjoyable and kept you invested. Nice mix of what is essentially fantasy and sci-fi.
The science fiction genre has been seeing a large resurgence in popularity these days, and with that I think that many novels have become quite bland and “dumbed down” to the masses to accommodate for a wider audience. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this novel is an exception to this trend. This is one of the first Sci-Fi works I have read in a long time that felt truly grand in scale. It spans a large world, and makes no attempt at concealing the size of it's world. One aspect I particularly enjoyed would be that the author does not, as many novels have these days, cram exposition down our throats at every opportunity. However it is worth noting that when exposition is provided it can be what I consider to be done in a bit of a clunky fashion. What I mean by this is that it seems to be shoehorned in. A large amount of the exposition in this novel is done via short chapters of a character delivering a monologue. I feel as though the information that is given this way could have just as easily been provided in a more natural way, and the author shows his ability to do so, which makes the use of the monologue device especially frustrating. My other main gripe with the novel is the sheer amount of explicit content in the novel. Make no mistake, I have no problem with sexually explicit content in general, and think that when used correctly it will serve to give readers a stronger sense of a character's identity, and of a given set of character's passion for one another, but I feel as though here it is often used as a device to “fill empty space” if you will, more often than serving a useful purpose. Another noteworthy point of this novel is that it is able to create a real sense of the world it takes place in, with the two main alternating characters through whose eyes we see the world are both fairly naive, which makes them excellent surrogates for the audience. However at the same time, these characters feel like real people with real motivations, and not simply empty shells to be filled for exposition. The novel also does not fall into the common trap of the first of a series being all talk and no action. By thrusting the main character into the action relatively early on it allows the world to be built, while at the same time not appearing to drag too much in the introduction to the world, and allows the intense action to occur relatively quickly. I also found the author's use of multiple perspectives was well done in that it was used not only to refresh the reader from the perspective of a single character, but to also create suspense, with one character giving the reader information that the other does not know, and then seeing that other go into a situation, and not knowing that information, creates an interesting dynamic for the reader, and leaves them wishing they could warn the characters of impending danger.
Overall I thought that despite it's flaws, this novel was a cut above many current science fiction novels, and personally cannot wait for the next installment.
From the moment I started reading this book, the craving to know what happened next is an undeniable fact of creative composition. Imagination of the characters, planets, battle ships, advanced technology, culture, humans vs immortals and the languages used across the alliance is masterful work. I can't wait for the next release.
I liked this book because I could picture real life people thinking and making the choices that were made. Even though it was a fantasy. It also had closure with an opening for more. I would recommend this book!
An epic space opera that revolves around the story of a young man who finds himself having to help save the universe. Emmanuel Arriaga takes us on a grand tour of his universe, peopled with empires, various races, great powers and power structures, immortals, monsters, alliances, and a lot of coupling. I had fun discovering this universe, following its character, however I think Arriega might have taken on a bit too much at once, and I would have preferred a more focused introduction into this world. Good read, if a bit scattered.
A first novel by Author Emmanuel Arriaga creates a new universe worthy of Star Wars, CS Lewis, or JRR Tolkien. The detail of his imagination in creating the universe, its history, and its inhabitants creates an engaging backdrop for a cast of engaging characters that draw the reader into the plot. The metaphysical threads, with beings of incredible power from alternate dimensions adds an almost spiritual flavor to the story.
I am looking forward to the next installment of Foundra. Definitely worth a read if you enjoy sci-fi.

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