A Bargain Bride Brides of Liberty Texas Book 1 edition by Rebecca De Medeiros Romance eBooks

A Bargain Bride Brides of Liberty Texas Book 1 edition by Rebecca De Medeiros Romance eBooks
I love mail-order bride stories, but I like a little steam in my books. Most mail order bride books are faith based, so you get little to no heat. A Bargain Bride had the perfect mixture of laughter, suspense, and heat. It was well written and funny. I really enjoyed it.There were a few little errors, but nothing was bad enough to effect my rating.
I did feel like the story had a few holes, that is the only reason this did not earn five stars.
I wanted to know more about what happened between Hunter and Alec. It seemed that story just stopped in the middle. I am assuming we will get the rest of it in the next book, but I still felt a little jipped.
I also wish we would have been told what happened with. Lilly's speech issues. Did her trauma help or hurt her stuttering!

Tags : A Bargain Bride (Brides of Liberty, Texas Book 1) - Kindle edition by Rebecca De Medeiros. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.,ebook,Rebecca De Medeiros,A Bargain Bride (Brides of Liberty, Texas Book 1),Pixie Press,Fiction Romance Western,Fiction Romance Historical General
A Bargain Bride Brides of Liberty Texas Book 1 edition by Rebecca De Medeiros Romance eBooks Reviews
I read a lot. Sometimes up to two books a day. I read all types of books except porn and witches/vampires.
"A Bargain Bride (Brides of Liberty, Texas)" is the best, most fun book I've read in a long time. It has building love between couples, sweet loving family relationships, community relationships and of course, evil that humans can do to others. It addresses one of the worst of evils, child abuse without overwhelming the book. Liberty, Texas seems to be a wonderful place to live if only in our minds.
This is just one of almost 500 books I have on my that I have gotten from but it is one of my top 10 favorites. It is more "Jane Eyre" than "Fifty Shades of Gray" and more "To Kill a Mockingbird" than "Harry Potter". I am so looking forward to the next book in the series. JMI
This is a fun book. Needs some editing but not enough to annoy. It has some explicit sex. You meet interesting characters. I enjoyed this book very much. It is full of good, bad, joyful, loving, and delightful emotions. Phyllis
I enjoyed this book so much I could not put it down. I have searched for books like this finding almost impossible. A great family with laughter actually love. I found myself laughing l would recommend this for a good and enjoyable reading; looking forward to the next.
It seems I was remiss in not writting a review on this book as I did write a review on the sequel. My apologizes. I loved this book. The grandfather and the town were very funny. I loved the whole story line. It was very well writtn. I have read the book twice now and loved it each time. I loved oth main chacactors and the way love came about.
Fix'n to start the next book in the series of Alex and Serena. I still want to know what happens to Lily and hope more will be about her in this 2nd book. Please let Alex's brother tell his own story and be swept off his feet! A wonderful and talented author swoops you right in until you feel invested and a part of each action in the story and all those involved. Rebecca De Medeiros is such an author.
This is a story of a georgeous cowboy, 30 yrs. old and his grandfather thinks its time he took a wife. He arranges a mail order bride without Gab knowing and and the excitement starts there. Gab isn't interested at first and then he accepts the plan. Melody also brings her little sister, which even with her mute problems is well accepted. Melody is a very naïve young girl (which I disipise stories where mature men is stuck with totally
naïve young girls) who expects everything to go just hunky dorey. When she finds out Gab didn't know anything about the letters his grandfather wrote (letting her think Gab wrote them), she gets very offended and shuts Gab out of the bedroom . Their attraction for one another soon brings them back together. A very evil man comes into the story and kidnaps the little sister. That part keeps you on your toes. This was a good story, and yes I would recomend it.
Dude Review This is one of the best book's I've read in a long time, this book better get awards otherwise someone might git shot! A wonderful plot that I always enjoy included some rowdy humor, a great extended cast that made you love every bit of it. There were little irish sayings in the beginning of each chapter that really made this book stand out. The sexual tension was mild, but the anger the main characters had towards each other that turned into some steamy love makin really made it worth while. Not only that, when life got tough with the bad man doing his bad deed's (in a unique way to this western genre), it really played at your heartstrings as the cast got together to console one another, and that's the mark of an excellent book, strong emotion with a great dose of humor. This book stands a cut above the rest - I'll definitely read the rest of the series, and read this one numerous times, so ya'll go do the same and git this book!
I love mail-order bride stories, but I like a little steam in my books. Most mail order bride books are faith based, so you get little to no heat. A Bargain Bride had the perfect mixture of laughter, suspense, and heat. It was well written and funny. I really enjoyed it.
There were a few little errors, but nothing was bad enough to effect my rating.
I did feel like the story had a few holes, that is the only reason this did not earn five stars.
I wanted to know more about what happened between Hunter and Alec. It seemed that story just stopped in the middle. I am assuming we will get the rest of it in the next book, but I still felt a little jipped.
I also wish we would have been told what happened with. Lilly's speech issues. Did her trauma help or hurt her stuttering!

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